Local products

The Little Belt Nature Park offers a variety of exciting taste experiences that are connected to the sea and coastal area of Little Belt. There are many reasons why choosing local food is better than food that has been imported long distances. It is good for the environment, it often tastes better, and at the same time, you are supporting the local community.
That is why we, at the Little Belt Nature Park, have created a labeling scheme called “Taste of the Little Belt” for foods that are local and environmentally friendly. At The Little Belt Nature Park, we aim to bring together producers of local food and partners, such as restaurants, with the purpose of promoting awareness and collaboration in selling local foods. The network is also designed to provide partners in the nature park with a better overview of possible locally produced foods.
Read all about the labeling scheme “Smag på Lillebælt”
(Taste of the Little Belt)

Product criteria
Here you can read about the criteria a product must meet in order to use the “Taste of the Little Belt” logo.
The products must meet the criteria depending on whether it is a vegetable, an animal-based, or a composite product.
There are also requirements for the producer to comply with the legislation and certain expectations for the producer using the nature park’s labeling scheme.

The producer council
The received applications are evaluated by the Producer Council, and the final decision on whether a product can be approved is made by the Nature Park’s Executive Committee.
The council consists of representatives from producers and the secretariat of Naturpark Lillebælt. The council comprises a minimum of 5 producers and 2 members from the secretariat.
Read the full charter for the Producer Council here.
Smag på Naturpark Lillebælt er en mærkningsordning for lokale fødevarer, som er produceret eller høstet i naturparken under hensyntagen til omgivelserne. Den skal understøtte den overordnede mission for naturparken, som er:
Sammen skaber vi en naturpark med en natur i balance fyldt med et hav af gode oplevelser.
Se lokale produkter med “Smag på Lillebælt” – logo
Har du et produkt, som du gerne vil sætte et “Smag på Lillebælt” – logo på?

Så kan du søge om tilladelse her.
Udfyld ansøgningsskemaet og send det til Naturpark Lillebælt sekretariatet per mail eller post.
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