Prioritised Projects of 2018-2020
Here is a summary of the projects Naturpark Lillebælt are currently working on.
In addition to these many projects, the municipalities and others in the area are currently working on, which are part of the Naturparkplan 2018-2022.
New observation posts/Nature rooms: Here you can experience nature and witness research and storytelling at smaller observation posts. Collaborations with Dykkerklubben Middelfart, Skærbæk residential association, and Skibelund Naturskole, with funds, for example from the Danish Outdoor Living Council fund. The goal is a minimum of three new nature rooms in the five-year period. Read more about the project here. Read more about the nature room project here
Belt in Balance, research, fish, community: Anglers, sports- and leisure fishermen. Destination Lillebælt and researchers work together to create new volunteer agreements in order to join together in solidarity and mutual understanding to improve the fish populations in the Little Belt.
Read about the Belt in Balance project here
The Little Belt as an iconic nature area: Through breakthrough communication and accessibility by and on the sea, the Little Belt will become an icon for a Danish nature area with the unique coastal landscape and marine ecosystem, symbolised by the porpoise. Collaborations with associations, the Danish Outdoor Council, tourism associations, etc. It is possible to apply for funds, for example from the Nordea Foundation and local sponsors.
Knowledge of the Little Belt: Maps and website shall be user friendly and a unique presentation of knowledge, so both visitors, schools, and residents get an overview of the facilities, nature, the newest research, events. The goal is better balance between use and and protection of the area. Collaborations with associations, private citizens, researchers, and tourism associations.
Eat the Little Belt: By creating sea gardens, certified foods, etc. together, we shall present food experiences, which also provide you with knowledge of how your local area produces foods with considerations to the surroundings. The projects we develop along with agricultural advisors, associations, manufacturers, restaurants, etc.
Volunteer trails in the works at Drejens Kolding: By making volunteer agreements with continuation schools and plot owners, we hope for a tour in the beautiful area at Drejens peninsula.
Better access and visibility of historical traces: Museums, associations, and volunteers work together to create better access and visibility of the unique historical traces found in Naturpark Lillebælt, for example the flooded Stone Age settlements, war history, the embankments near Fredericia, Skamlingsbanken, and much more.
More young nature guide in Naturpark Lillebælt: Together with schools, rangers, researchers, and associations, public school students will receive more knowledge and enjoyment of the unique nature and phenomena.
Marketing of Naturpark Lillebælt: Along with Destination Lillebælt, associations, tourism providers, VisitKolding, VisitFredericia, and VisitMiddelfart, we will create information material and package solutions, which provide good experiences and create sustainable tourism, with considerations of the local values.