
Naturpark Lillebælt is approved by the Danish Outdoor Council as Dansk Naturpark 11.12.2017. Before this, the municipalities, Fredericia, Kolding, and Middelfart worked as a pilot park since 2014 with the dialogue and clarifications of the nature park plan, which Naturpark Lillebælt aims for.

What is a Nature Park?

The definition of a nature park is not to be confused with the definition of a national park. A national park is the result of state laws and selection, which covers the whole area and the state finances initiatives.

Naturpark Lillebælt meets a series of criteria, has received the badge from the Danish Outdoor Council, and is approved as Dansk Naturpark, but the municipalities must finance the projects and pay for the marking system.

It is important to notice that Naturpark Lillebælt will not create new restrictions or limitations for the plot owners and residents. And there can be agricultural grounds in the nature park, without creating new restrictions.

Voluntariness is a keyword in the nature park work and possible initiatives on private soil will only happen on account of voluntary agreements. Perhaps the chance of getting more grants for local projects will increase by their location in a nature park.

Who is Behind This?

Naturpark Lillebælt is a collaboration between the municipalities: Fredericia, Kolding, and Middelfart. The three town councils have passed the nature park plan, which the nature park works towards.